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Saturday, March 29, 2025

Your Most Embarrassing Health Problems, Resolved!

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Feeling embarrassed because of your medical problems? Don’t be! Almost everyone has something to be embarrassed about, but if yours is a health condition, it will be smarter on your part to tell your physician about it. You’ll want to do this to get it resolved ASAP and for you to finally be able to move on and focus on well, errr, less annoying things. Below is a list of some of the most common embarrassing health concerns that people tend to have and ways to get it resolved.

1.Passing stool is so painful; you almost want to avoid doing it.

What it could mean: You may have swollen hemmorrhoids or fissures (small tears) on your anus. When your poop goes through your digestive tract in a very slow fashion, your colon tends to absorb a lot of water which makes your stool dry and hard. Dry stool is hard to pass and straining yourself in the toilet can lead to trauma in your tissues. Painful bowel movement may cause you to avoid doing it altogether which can only worsen the problem. Another possibility is you having uterine fibroids, especially if your pain comes with pelvic discomfort, back ache and heavy bleeding periods.

The cure: If you are constipated (pooping for less than thrice a week), the first thing you can o is hydrate yourself. Drink lots of water, exercise and consume more fiber-rich foods. These simple remedies can regulate your bowel movements, soften your stool and gives your fissures a chance to heal. However, if you continue to experience a lot of pain when going number 2 or sees droplets of blood while doing so, your doctor might advise you to use some creams or ointments to take care of the problem. If you’re suspecting that it’s a case of fibroids, see your doctor immediately.

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2. You are emanating some kind of weird odor “down” there.

What it could mean: The pH of your vagina might be too high which enables bad bacteria to proliferate. This is called bacterial vaginosis and it can be a result of anything that can make your vaginal environment a lot less acidic—menstrual blood, semen and even douches. Other symptoms may include itching and a burning sensation.

The cure: Mention the smell to your gynecologist to help him/her rule out the presence of STDs and yeast infection which is most commonly associated with the discharge. The doctor might prescribe an antibiotic or an OTC vaginal gel or cream to take care of the symptoms.

3. Your nipples have started leaking

What it could mean: The pituitary gland is responsible for secreting the hormone prolactin—the one stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk. Assuming that you are not nursing or pregnant, a leaking nipple could indicate that you might have hyperprolactenemia. If left untreated, this condition can lead to irregularity in menstrual periods, a higher risk for osteoporosis and even infertility.

The cure: Your doctor might request that you test first for hypothyroidism since an underactive thyroid can cause an overproduction in prolactin. You can also be tested for prolactinoma, a benign tumor that’s located on the pituitary gland. These may sound scary at first, but are very treatable with medication.

4. You have zero interest in sex.

What it could mean: Well, this could encompass a variety of things since libido tends to be very complicated as it is both physical and psychological. A lot of women experience a decrease in libido especially during perimenopause because the falling estrogen levels in the body results to the dampening (including vaginal dryness) of sexual desires. Another common cause could be depression. Dopamine is essential to generating feelings of lust. Often, when a person is depressed, their dopamine levels tend to decrease which is why depressed people don’t have much sexual drive. Antidepressants can kill libido too, which is like a double whammy for your mojo.

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The cure: When your doctors ask you of what you’re feeling, tell them the truth so they can arrive at a suitable solution for your troubles.

5. You sweat way too much.

What it could mean: Your sweat glands may be over-reacting to stimuli which can include emotions, heat and hormones. When you have hyperhidrosis or excess sweatingespecially during adulthood, it’s often a side effect of a prescription medication or at times a symptom of another health condition which can range from an infection to diabetes.

The cure: It may not be as simple as using a quality ant-perspirant. Your doctor needs to discover the underlying condition which prompts your sweat glands to go on overdrive in order for them to set you on a proper treatment course.

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