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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Yoga for Social Anxiety

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Physical exercise has always been a good part of physical and mental health. A lot of studies have proven the positive effects of physical exercise in mental health such as depression, anxiety and bi-polar disorder. One of the most noted form of exercise that is known to help with mental problems is yoga. The relaxing setting of yoga, calming mood and body loosening exercise are known to reduce some of the symptoms of depression and social anxiety. Some of these poses below are said to reduce the symptoms of social anxiety and help you face social interaction with a little bit easier. Read on below to find out about these poses and how you can do them right now.

Fish Pose

This pose is known to reduce symptoms of different diseases. This is said to reduce back pain, improve circulation, develop flexibility and moderate anxiety. Do not attempt this pose if you suffer from back pain, hernia or neck pain. Start this move by laying on your back with your arm straight to your sides. Lift your pelvis and place your arms underneath your back and buttocks. Place your palms face down and rest your butt on them. Once you’re in this position, inhale and raise your back slowly. Bend your elbows and raise your back, chest and head from the ground. Place your head on the mat and maintain this position for 8 counts. If there is too much stress in your neck or back, use a towel or pillow on your back and neck to reduce tension. If this is your first time, ask someone to help you raise your back and watch over you to prevent serious injury. Get back to your original position by adding the weight to your elbow and slowly lifting your head. Use your elbow to slowly lower your body to the ground. Repeat this pose 4 times and make sure to inhale and exhale.

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Standing Forward Bend

Standing forward bends are one of the most recognize pose on this list. This can be done by a beginner to an expert yoga lover. This pose can help improve flexibility, relax the muscles, soothe the mind and improve circulation. Start this move by doing the mountain pose. Stand up straight, spread your weight and place your arms to your side. Add tension to your pelvis and buttocks. If you are trying this for the first time, place your hands on your hips. Inhale and slightly lift the sole of your feet. Exhale slowly and lower your sole and bend your upper body forward. You’ll experience some strain in your hamstrings. If there is too much tension, bend your knees. Continuously bending down until the top of your head is facing the ground. Grab your elbow and start swaying your body side to side. Inhale and exhale for a few counts. Now, finish the pose by exhaling and rolling your body straight again. If you have problems with balancing, spread your legs a little more.

Child’s Pose

This pose is easy and can be done by beginners. It is one of the foundations of yoga and considered a resting phase. This pose is great for relaxing the mind and body. Start this pose by sitting on your feet and sitting straight. Breath in and slowly lower your hair towards the mat. Lift your hands in front and feel the stretch in your back and arms. Repeat breathing exercises in this position for about 20 to 30 counts. You can adjust your body, if you cannot place your head all the way to the ground; keep it where you are comfortable. Lift your buttocks if you have to. Finish the move by exhaling and slowly lifting your head. You can repeat this move as much as you want. You can try this pose every time you feel like you are going to have an anxiety attack.

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Tree Pose

Another great and recognizable yoga pose is the tree pose. It is easy to do and is known to improve balance, concentration and reduce stress. Start this pose by standing hip width apart and slowly raise one of your legs to the side. Place the sole of your feet in the opposite inner thigh and keep your balance. Place your hands in praying position. The tension should be in your core and not so much in your leg. Breathe in and out for about 20 counts and lower your leg. Continue this pose using the other leg.

Yoga has always been a great exercise to calm the mind. The combination of distressing breathing exercises with physical exercises is known to reduce stress levels, improve the mood and keep it balanced. However, this poses were not created to substitute any form of treatment or medication. These poses are here to aid with treatment and recovery, not used as a form of cure. Every time you feel anxious, try out these poses and see the changes in your mood and thinking.

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