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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tips on Eye Strain

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Eye strain, also called asthenopia, refers to an eye condition that involves eye fatigue and eye pain. It is associated with headache, blurred vision, and occasional double vision.


According to Web MD, any activity that requires intense eye use can lead to eye fatigue. As per the publication, these include reading, writing, and driving. This means a person may develop eye strain if he spends too much time in front of the computer, utilizes poor lighting when reading, and driving for a long period of time.

Signs and Symptoms

Eye strain presents several symptoms. According to Mayo Clinic, these include the following:

  • soreness
  • headache
  • exhaustion
  • sore neck, shoulders, or back
  • itching
  • increased light sensitivity
  • burning of eyes
  • inability to focus
  • watery or dry eyes
  • feeling that one cannot keep his eyes open
  • blurred or double vision

As per the publication, the person should see his doctor is remedies and self-management do not resolve the condition.

Management and Prevention


Just like the other parts of the body, the eyes also need rest to manage and prevent eye strain. As per Medicine Net, the person may briefly close his eyes and have some rest from the task in front of the computer. According to the publication, eye strain symptoms will be relieved on the days with limited computer use.

Work Habit Modification

The person may also consider changing his work routine to prevent eye strain. According to Web MD, the person may do the rule called 20-20-20. This means that every 20 minutes, he may look at something about 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Also, he may post a reminder, perhaps, a note that says “blink” on his computer. In addition, taking regular breaks from computer work will not hurt.

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Eyebright Tea

Brewing a pot of eyebright tea is also part of preventive management for eye strain. According to expert Meir Schneider, as cited by Prevention, the person prepares the tea and allows it to mildly cook. Then, he soaks a towel in the still-warm tea. Next, he lies down and places the warm towel over his closed eyes, leaving it for ten to 15 minutes. The tea should not be poured into the eyes.

Eye strain does not share the same severity with glaucoma and cataract; however, it may affect a person’s vision in the long run. Thus, prevention is still the best action, alongside medical consult for proper assessment, planning, implementation, health education, and evaluation of potential management.

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