Diabetes is a medical condition, where, quite simply, your body isn’t processing sugar effectively. And since sugar (in its various forms) are what makes your body tick, your body can develop a host of symptoms and sub-conditions that willmake your body deteriorate to the point that you can actually die from one of theside-effects of unchecked diabetes.
Even though there are drugs these days that can check most forms of adult-onset diabetes (otherwise known as Type-2 diabetes, which is the more “popular form”), If you want to avoid using drugs as much as possible, you do have another choice: minimizing or even getting rid of themedication you need, through proper diet and exercise.
What you eat
Many people think that eating right is the easier way to control diabetes without resorting to medicine, and they are partially right on that score. The reason for this is that we now have many food options that allow people with diabetes to eat relatively normal food that just happens to be either sugar-free, or have as little sugar as possible.
What you do
Exercise, on the other hand, is more of a long-term solution, though it can be, well, labor intensive. The philosophy behind exercise as a solution for diabetes is simple: our bodies burn more calories (and sugar), the more we exercise or do strenuous activities. Thus, if that’s the case, then the solution is to make sure that we exercise as much as possible, so that we burn off all the excess sugar in our bodies.