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United States of America
Wednesday, January 22, 2025


healthy body

The Relationship Between Law of Attraction and Spiritual Wellness

The effect of the Law of Attraction in your life is directly related to your spirituality. I am certain that I am not going...

Why Juicing Can Sometimes Be Harmful: The Hidden He alth Effects of Juicing

Juicing may be one of most now trending ways to supposedly shed off weight while feeling great at the process. However these days, gulping down...

Lose All The Extra Weight By Staying Happy

Does it feel weird when people stare at you from head to toe? Of course it does! Whenever that happens to me, I always...

Defining Medical Symptoms

There are many different types of medical complaints that doctors receive from their patients. However, the second most common of these include dizziness and...

Exercise to Address Obesity

A big misconception that people think about obese people is that they are just lazy. That simply putting the fork down and exercising will...

Why You Should Only Support the Use of Organic Coffee

Better-tasting coffee is not the only benefit which one derives from purchasing organic coffee. Discovering organic coffee and its connection to sustainability, environmental protection,...

Preparing the Marathoner in You

Do you find yourself always injured from running long distances? Let’s look at ways of how you can cut down on the distance and...

10 Fun and Healthy Examples to Snack Healthily

Food is such a touchy subject because people are fragile especially when it comes to their weight. This warped self-perspective is fuelled by insecurity...

How to Train your Brain in Seven Days

Wladimir Klitschko has been taunting Tyson Fury, and saying Fury’s is only as big as a squirrel. We think Klitschko’s nuts. The IQ or intelligence...

Make Your Skin “Winter-Ready” with These Ten Superfoods

Have you ever noticed that you use more bottles of lotion, facial moisturizers, and sticks of lip balm during winter? It’s almost painful to...

Healthy Foods That Can Be Dangerous in Excess

We all know that eating about a bucket of French fries in one sitting is incredibly unhealthy for you, but did you know that...

Fitness Mental Rules Women Live By

Attitude and mental motivation play a huge role when it comes to fitness.This is one of the common struggle people endure during or before...

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