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Monday, March 31, 2025

Sickness That Occur During Winter

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There are some illnesses that become worse when the climate is cold. People with asthma and sore throats for example, they have a much more difficult time during the winter months. Check out these tips on tackling these illnesses during the colder months.

Common Cold

Always wash your hands. That’s how you fight the common cold. Cleaning hands eliminates the harmful bacteria that you take with you when you touch everyday things touched by others.

And remember to keep everything you touch in the house as clean as you can, like glasses, spoons and forks, and clothing. Always clean these things especially when someone else in your home has the cold.

Helpful reminder: Use tissues when you have the sniffles and stay away from hankies. When you use cloth, you run the risk of infecting yourself over and over again.

Sore throats

This happens a lot during wintertime, and most of time, it’s because of viruses.

There is proof that when the temperature decreases, it can have an effect on the human throat.

Helpful reminder: A convenient way to soothe a sore throat is to mix warm water and salt, and gargle. It’s not a cure for the sore throat but it will make your throat better. It offers relief by reducing the inflamed area. A single teaspoon of salt in warm water should do the trick.


Asthmatics have it hard during the winter. The cold winds are a main cause of their illness. They wheeze and they experience lack of oxygen in their lungs. Asthmatics are always cautioned during wintertime because of this.

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Helpful reminder: Staying inside during really windy winter days is a very good idea. If you really not to do something outside, always have a scarf or a think piece of clothing covering your nose and mouth. Always take your meds and always have your inhaler with you.


This is a very contagious illness that happens during the winter and it causes people to throw up. Although it isn’t only exclusive to winter, that time of year is when it happens the most. Hotels and schools are where it happens the most.

It is not a pleasant experience, but it normally passes after a few days.

Helpful reminder: If you find yourself stricken with the norovirus, drink a lot of water to keep yourself hydrated. Little kids and old people are mostly the ones who deal with this. There are rehydration fluids available in drug stores. It is recommended that you stock up on that.

Joint pain

Joint pain from arthritis is worsened when exposed to the cold. Although nobody knows why, only pain and stiffness are affected by the decrease in temperature. However, a curious point to take notice of is that there is no proof that joints are damaged during wintertime.

Helpful reminder: A lot of people feel down during wintertime and this could probably add to the intensity of whatever condition they have, including joint pain. Physical training every day can help a person psychologically and physically. A good swim every other day can be good for you.

Cold sore

A cold sore is an indication of being really tired or really stressed. There’s no known cure for this, but you can keep yourself protected by taking care and being cautious during the wintertime.

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Helpful reminder: Have fun. Do the things that make you happy. Stay away from stressful situations. Watch a good movie. Drink with friends. Enjoy yourself.

Heart attack

This happens more often during wintertime. This is probably due to the spike of blood pressure during the cold weather. This puts pressure on the heart. Sometimes too much pressure. The heart is also overloaded with work during to keep the body warm in the freezing climate. Heart attacks are more common in winter. This may be because cold snaps increase blood pressure and put more strain on the heart. Your heart also has to work harder to maintain body heat when it’s cold.

Helpful reminder: Stay indoors and keep yourself warm and dry. Bottles filled with warm water and a thick or electric blanket can keep you warm in bed.

Cold hands

The phenomenon Raynaud suggested is an illness that occurs quite often during wintertime. Your extremities change color and you experience a lot of pain in your fingers and toes. They change from a shade of white to a blue hue. Then when they become red and you feel a slight numbness and a tingling sensation, you know you blood vessels aren’t getting enough blood. When the pain becomes too much, there are meds that can relieve the pain. But in most cases, individuals tough it out.

Helpful reminder: Smoking and drinking coffee (or any caffeinated beverage) can make things worse for you. Proper clothing is also a must, so are gloves, especially when you’re headed outdoors during wintertime.

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Dry skin

This happens a lot to people, and it is worsened by the cold weather, especially when the air is less humid.

Moisturize yourself regularly during the cold months. The common misconception is that moisturizers (lotion and cream alike) enters the skin. This is not true. Moisturizers actually seal the pores of the skin so the water under it does not evaporate.

Because of this, the most advantageous time to use the moisturizing agents on your skin would be after you bathe. That is when your skin is most moist.

Helpful reminder: Bathe with lukewarm water. Don’t shower with hot water. That causes dryness and itchiness of your skin. And if that wasn’t bad enough, it cause dryness and dullness of the hair.


Influenza or the flu kills a lot of people whose immune systems are weak or compromised. Those who are sixty-five and older, as well as those who have been battling health conditions such as diabetes, heart and kidney diseases, are most vulnerable.

There is what we call a flue jab for those ages two to eighteen. Vaccinations are also a good way to keep influenza at bay. The effect of a vaccination lasts for a year.

Helpful reminder: You should know if you’re vulnerable. Ask your doctor. Get a vaccination, and a flu jab for those younger who live in your home.

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