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Saturday, March 29, 2025

Pros and Cons of Drinking Milk Tea

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Tea is good for you. Period. However, you may have a hard time taking advantage of the many perks offered by tea if you are not a huge fan of its taste. Well, there is a very easy solution to this very simple drawback: switch to milk tea.

It cannot be denied that milk tea is very popular these days among health-conscious individuals with very picky taste buds — compared to regular tea, milk tea boasts of a velvety rich texture and an awesome flavor, too. It’s so easy to say that milk tea is the ultimate health drink.

Sadly, there are both pros and cons to drinking milk tea, and this article will tell you all about them.

Whether you are consuming milk tea all the time or you are thinking about welcoming it into your diet soon, keep on reading — below you will come across some of the things that make milk tea good for you and also a few things that make drinking it not so good for you.

Got some family members and friends who seem to be holding a cup of milk tea all the time? Then see to it that you share this article on all of your social media sites afterwards so that they, too, may get to know these pros and cons of consuming milk tea.


Milk tea is loaded with antioxidants that are powerful enough to neutralize excess free radicals before they wreak havoc on your cells and tissues. Antioxidants, according to innumerable scientific investigations, may also lower risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

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It helps to lower one’s risk of suffering from osteoporosis, a condition that’s characterized by the thinning and weakening of the bones. It’s for the fact that tea is loaded with bone-strengthening calcium. Milk present in every serving of milk tea, as everybody knows very well, is also an excellent source of calcium.

Drinking a cup of it helps to reduce stress. What makes milk tea the perfect drink in this fast-paced world is that it possesses stress-lowering properties. According to experts, there are so many serious health complications associated with leading a very stressful life.

Beauty-conscious individuals will be more than elated to know that drinking milk tea can help in slowing down the aging process of the skin. Such is due to the fact that tea is packed with antioxidants. Milk added to a cup of it also contains protein necessary for keeping the skin healthy and beautiful.


The added milk definitely increases the amount of calories present in a cup of milk tea. One of the reasons why a lot of people love tea is that it’s very low in calories. However, the presence of milk makes a tea no longer that ideal most especially for figure-conscious individuals.

It’s not suited for anyone who suffers from lactose intolerance. Some people do not have the necessary enzyme in their gut to properly digest lactose, a type of sugar found exclusively in milk. If you have lactose intolerance, you can spare yourself from winding up with digestive issues by using soy milk or almond milk.

Tea, whether with added milk or none, can keep your body from absorbing iron in the food you eat. Iron is a mineral necessary for the synthesis or red blood cells or RBCs — the absence of enough RBCs paves the way for anemia. It’s for this reason why the intake of milk tea or plain tea is not a good idea after having a meal.

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Milk tea or the plain kind is not suited for those who are extremely sensitive to caffeine. It’s true that a cup of tea contains only about half of the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee, but usually that’s enough to cause headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, heart palpitations, hand tremors and anxiety in some.

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