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Monday, March 31, 2025

How to Make Sunscreen Spray at Home

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We all know the importance of using sunscreen. Not only does it keep sunburn and sun-damaged skin at bay, but also considerably lower risk of skin cancer.

Unfortunately, most of today’s sunscreens have very questionable ingredients in them. While they are able to shield your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun, they may endanger your health in some other way.

The good news is there are sunscreens out there that are geared towards health-conscious individuals. And if you are into DIY projects, you can in fact make your own from scratch by following recipes online — just like the one below that teaches you how to make your very own sunscreen spray that won’t put your health in danger.

Before we take a look at the said recipe, let’s first briefly discuss some of the most questionable chemicals found in most sunscreens:

Para-aminobenzoic acid

Called PABA for short, scientists say that it can actually increase a person’s risk of suffering from skin cancer as it produces harmful free radicals once exposed to the sun. The good news is more and more manufacturers of today’s sunscreens are turning their backs on PABA.


Also sometimes referred to as BP-3 or benzophenone-3, scientists say that oxybenzone is a hormone disruptor. Women most especially know some of the worst things that can stem from hormonal imbalance. Some studies suggest that it may also increase cancer risk since it is absorbed by the skin.


Just like oxybenzone, experts say that octinoxate is also a hormone disruptor. Some say that it may in fact increase skin cancer risk as it suppresses inflammation, which is necessary in order for the immune cells to spring into action and target anything that can endanger one’s health.

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This common sunscreen ingredient is also known to cause an imbalance in the hormones. Based on scientific investigations homosalate, is especially alarming when it comes to pregnant women and the growing babies in their wombs. That’s because test subjects have had traces of it in the tissues of their placenta.

There are many other questionable chemicals found in a lot of sunscreens these days, each one just as terrifying as the other. It’s for this reason exactly why you must be very cautious when shopping for sunscreen.

If right now you are still unable to come across a brand or formulation that won’t put your health in danger but you have to step foot outside your home, worry not. That’s because you may temporarily use sunscreen that you can make from scratch. Containing nothing but safe ingredients, using it should not leave you feeling anxious. And also, applying it is so easy because it’s the spray type of homemade sunscreen.

Keep on reading to get started!


  • 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 10 drops of peppermint essential oil


  • Place all of the ingredients in a glass spray bottle.
  • Shake and spray.

That’s how quickly you can whip up your very own sunscreen spray that’s completely devoid of any ingredient that can cause unnecessary health-related problems!

A lot of aloe vera gel is used because it can create a protective film that can temporarily safeguard your skin from the UV rays given off by the sun. What’s more, it has soothing properties that can deal with sunburn and skin irritation. On the other hand, coconut oil has actual SPF of about 5, which means that it can in fact keep those harmful UV rays from touching your skin. Peppermint essential oil, just like aloe vera gel, is capable of soothing your skin. It also possesses mild cooling properties that can save you from overheating while under the sun.

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