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Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Home Remedies for Obesity

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Obesity is slowly rising as one of the leading causes of major illnesses in the world. It has been causing thousands of death from heart problems, liver disorders and diabetes. Obesity is a condition wherein the body has accumulated fat in the body that is way beyond the regular amount of their body mass index or BMI.

A person requires a certain amount of body mass to function properly. Anything exceeding or less the desired range is considered unhealthy. The desired body mass index is between the ranges of 18 to 25. When your body mass index exceeds 30 then you are considered obese. There are two line types that are beyond the healthy body mass index. That is the overweight range and the obese range. There is a huge difference between the two. A person who exceeds the normal body weight about 10 to 19 percent is considered overweight, while those that exceed the normal body weight by 25 percent are pronounced obese.

Obesity has been slowly rising due to different factors. Fast food, lack of education about healthy eating, stress, anxiety, restlessness and lack of exercise are some of the main causes of obesity. It can also be the cause of hormonal problems, neurological diseases, medication and other health issues.

We’ve compiled a list of natural home remedies to fight obesity. Combine one or more of these home remedies with exercise and healthy eating and you’ll shed the weight away!

Home Remedies:

White Kidney Beans

One of the first things to cut down from your diet is carbohydrates. Carbohydrate when consumed is broken down by the body. This turns into energy, but excess amounts of carbohydrates are not converted into energy but into sugar. This sugar is then turned into stored fat. White kidney beans can help break down carbohydrates to turn into energy. White kidney beans contain Phaseolus Vulgaris, this compound helps prevent the enzyme alpha amylase in the digestive system to turn carbohydrate into sugar. There has been a strong surge of white kidney bean extract on the market. This is mainly due to its ability to aid with weight loss. You can cook white kidney beans, but you have to cook them thoroughly. Uncooked white kidney beans contain toxic contents that can lead to food poisoning. So, make sure to cook your beans carefully. Cook white kidney beans by soaking them in water overnight. Remove the beans from the water and boil them in a pressure cooker. You can now add white kidney beans to your meals and recipes.

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Black Pepper, Honey and Lemon Juice

Lemon juice and honey can help increase metabolism and improve digestion. This will help the body from removing unwanted toxins in the body and also improve bowel movements. Honey will also help with detoxification and metabolism. You can change black pepper into cayenne pepper if you want. The recipe for this metabolism boosting drink is a glass of water, one teaspoon of honey, four teaspoon of lemon juice and one fourth teaspoon of black pepper powder. Mix all these ingredients together and drink this mixture twice or thrice a day for two to three months.

Oolong Tea

These home remedies are mainly here to help with weight loss either by increasing metabolism, increasing energy or burning fat. Oolong tea is able to help the body by increasing its ability to burn fat. Oolong tea contains contents that are responsible for fat burn. Drinking green tea won’t be enough to cure obesity, but it can surely help with weight loss. Eat healthier, exercise more and drink Oolong tea. This is a great recipe for a slimmer body.


Ginger is a common home remedy ingredient. It has been used in traditional medicine throughout the years. It has been proven to be effective in treating sore throat, nausea, tummy aches, vomiting, morning sickness, chemotherapy and weight loss. Ginger can help improve digestion and balance out the pH balance of the stomach. Ginger will also help prevent spikes in the glucose levels.

Cinnamon and Honey

Cinnamon can help maintain blood sugar levels and honey can help improve digestion. You can create an easy weight loss mixture by adding a teaspoon of honey, a cup of water and half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Heat this mixture to a boil and wait for it to cool down. Drink this mixture twice a day. This mixture will help prevent fat storage and improve digestion.

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Obesity something we cannot ignore. It can lead to many serious health risks such as heart disease, respiratory problem, type 2 diabetes, sudden death, cancer, high blood pressure, pregnancy problems, and other life altering health problems. It’s important to make a change now. Try out this home remedies and pick up a healthier lifestyle.

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