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Sunday, March 30, 2025

Herbs That Treat Acne

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Although there are many acne remedies available on the market today, not all of them can impress. Some do not work at all while others only exacerbate the problem. Then there are also those that are purported to work very well, but not everyone who has acne can afford them because of their unbelievably steep prices.

Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives to those acne solutions out there in the form of herbs. Yes, many of those that are used for cooking, garnishing and making teas can actually be employed for treating acne.

What’s so great about herbs is they come from nature, so they are compatible with the chemistry of the skin. They are so mild that it is virtually impossible for them to cause unfavorable side effects or exacerbate the problem. However, proper usage still matters so much in order to avoid unwanted issues.

So without any more ado, here are some herbs that may be used for dealing with acne naturally:


An Ayurvedic herb, neem is commonly utilized for managing hair loss as well as dandruff. However, it may also be used for treating acne. That’s because it has anti-inflammatory properties that can help put an end to the unsightly skin condition bugging so many teens and adults alike. About 5 fresh neem leaves should be steeped in a cup of hot water for several minutes, and then consumed. It’s a good idea for this solution to be done every morning.


Everyone knows that basil is one of the key ingredients of pesto. Did you know that this aromatic herb is also employed traditionally as an all-natural acne remedy? Basil comes with superb anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, and that’s why it is an excellent solution for acne. In a cup of boiling water, about 2 teaspoons of dried basil leaves should be steeped for 10 minutes. Once cool, the infusion may be applied on the problem areas twice daily.

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Aloe Vera

There are numerous skin problems that the gel inside the aloe vera leaf can deal with, and acne is one of them. This is no shocker because the said gel is loaded with vitamin E that is capable of soothing inflamed and infected skin. The gel inside the aloe vera leaf should be applied on acne. After a few minutes, it should be rinsed off with cool water. If the aloe vera plant is not available, it is very much possible to use 100 percent pure aloe vera juice instead.


One of the most easily accessible all-natural remedies for acne is lemon juice. Do take note that it should be something that comes from actual lemons and not in a carton. As soon as lemon is squeezed, the juice should be daubed on problem areas with a cotton ball right away to ensure that all the antioxidants it contains can be utilized. Once completely dry, it should then be rinsed off very well with cold water. For sensitive skin, lemon juice may be diluted with water.


Those who are bugged by acne but cannot stand the stinging sensation that lemon juice causes may simply rely on the juice of a cucumber. Just like lemon juice, it’s something that is rich in antioxidants, but it is definitely not as acidic! A juicer allows for the easy extraction of cucumber juice. If the said piece of kitchen equipment is not available, slices of cucumber may be minced, and then the juice may be squeezed out of them with the use of a small piece of cloth.

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Health-conscious people simply love amaranth grains because of their impressive nutritional profile. The seeds, on the other hand, can be highly beneficial for individuals who are suffering from acne due to their incredible antioxidant properties. About 2 tablespoons of amaranth seeds should be boiled in 3 cups of water for 5 minutes. A teaspoon of fresh amaranth leaves should be added to it afterwards. It should then be used for washing the face once cool.

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