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Sunday, February 23, 2025

How to Gain Weight Fast and Safely

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Over sixty percent of Americans are overweight or obese. But there are also a lot of those who have the problem of being too thin. And for those who don’t know, being too thin can be as bad as being too fat. There is also the case of a lot of
people who want to get bigger muscles.

Whether you’re too thin or someone who ones to get buffed, the principles are the same. Check out the strategy we formulated to help you get bigger, in a quick and safe way.

Defining Being Underweight

When you have a body mass index (BMI) of18.5, you are underweight, a BMI
over 25, you are overweight, a BMI over 30, obese.

For who fall under the underweight category, it technically means you don’t have
enough body mass to be healthy.

But it is important to note that the BMI scale isn’t perfect and it only considers
height and weight, and not muscle mass. Sometimes, people can be thin but very

So, with regards to the BMI scale, when you are underweight, it doesn’t mean
you’re unhealthy.

In America, one percent of men and around two-and-a-half percent of women
twenty and above are underweight. So yes, it’s a lot more common in females.

Does being underweight have bad effects on your health?

As mentioned earlier, being underweight can be as bad as being obese. A study
revealed that being underweight was linked to a greater risk of early death in
men and women. The study showed that being underweight could even be worse
than being overweight or obese.

Another research conducted discovered how being underweight cause early
death for males, but not for females.

Some of the bad effects of being underweight include, impaired immune system,
raised chances of infection, osteoporosis and fractures, possible infertility,
muscle wasting as one ages, at a higher chance of dementia.

Causes of Being Underweight

  • Check out a few of the conditions that could lead to being underweight.
  • Eating disorders like anorexia (which is a deadly mental problem as well).
  • Hyperthyroidism boosts your metabolic rate and may lead to unnatural weight loss that cannot be at all healthy.
  • Gluten intolerance, especially celiac disease. Almost all of those with celiac disease are unaware they have it.
  • Mostly type 1, uncontrolled diabetes.
  • Malignant tumors can burn tons of calories.
  • Parasitic infections, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS are some of the infections that can lead to heavy weight loss.
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Check in with your physician if you are underweight. Make sure you have none of
these conditions, especially if you’ve been losing weight without any effort.

Gaining Weight Healthily

It is of utmost importance to put on weight the correct way. Eating unhealthy food
is an example of gaining weight the wrong way. Underweight people who gain
weight the wrong way will most likely gain unhealthy fat around the stomach.
A lot of people who are neither underweight nor obese are diabetics, or have
other health issues linked to obesity because they eat unhealthy food or lead an
unhealthy lifestyle.

It’s a good thing there are healthy ways to put on weight quickly without damaging your health in the process.

Consume More Calories Than You Burn

You should have more calories than you need if you want to put on weight. Go for three to five hundred calories more than how much you use. If you want to put on weight faster, go for seven hundred to a thousand calories more than you need.

You don’t need to count calories forever. Just practice when you start out so you
can get used to it and you’ll have a better idea of how much to eat.

Consume a Lot of Protein

Protein is the most important thing to eat when you want to put on weight.
Without protein, the calories you consume can become fat.

Research reveals that eating a lot of protein for a certain amount of time can
cause a lot of the calories you eat to become muscle.

An important thing to note though is that protein can fill you up really well and
take away your appetite. This might make it difficult to consume the needed

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When putting on weight, go for a seventh to one gram of protein for every pound
of your weight, which is around a gram-and-a-half to slightly over two grams of
protein for every kilo. If you’re consuming a lot of calories, you are allowed to take in more protein.

Meat, fish, egg, dairy, and nuts are all examples of foods loaded with protein.
You can also take whey supplements if you’re having a hard time consuming
protein with just the food.

Consume Huge Amounts of Carbohydrates and Fats, and Have at Least Three
Meals Daily

A lot of people don’t eat carbohydrates or fats when they try to lose weight. It’s
not a good idea when you want to put on weight since you’re also cutting down
your calorie intake.

Consume food with a lot of carbs and fats with protein when you want to put on
weight. Don’t fast intermittently. Intermittent fasting is only good for losing weight.

Eat a minimum of three times daily, and consume some energy snacks when you

Consume a Lot of Food Packed with Energy, and Use Sauces and Spices

It is very highly recommended that you stick to wholefoods with single
ingredients. They’re very filling, which can pose a problem.

Spices, sauces and condiments however, make food a lot tastier and easier to
chow down.

Consume food that have a lot of packed energy. They have lot of calories relative
to their weight. Here are some examples of the food.

  • Nuts like macadamia, almond and walnut.
  • Dried fruits like prune, raisin and date.
  • Milk, full-fat yoghurt, cream.
  • Avocado and extra virgin oil.
  • Brown rice and oats.
  • Fatty cuts of lamb, pork, beef and chicken.
  • Yams, sweet potatoes and potatoes.
  • Trail mix, granola, coconut milk, peanut butter, avocado and dark

A lot of these can fill you up really fast. You may be forced to feed yourself even
if you no longer want to.

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Don’t eat a lot of veggies if you want to put on weight. Leave more room for the
food listed above. Whole fruits are okay, but go for those that you won’t need to
chew as much, like a banana.

Make Yourself Stronger, Lift Weights

To direct the calories to the muscles instead of fat cells, weight-lifting is needed.
Work out two to four times weekly. Go into a steady progression of strength
training. If you are new at this, look for a legitimate personal trainer to aid you
when you start out. Don’t do a lot of cardio since it burns a lot of calories. Just lift
and lift more.

See your physician if you have any medical conditions first.
More Tips on Putting On Weight
Lift heavy weights and consume massive amounts of calories. These are the
essential steps in putting on weight. But here are some other ways of making
sure you gain weight.

1.Stay away from water before eating since water fills you up, therefore, you eat less.
2.Eat more meals, like snacks before sleeping.
3.If you’re thirsty, drink more milk.
4.Purchase shakes that help people put on weight. They have lots of protein and carbohydrates, and calories.
5.Eat using bigger plates.
6.Mix more cream to your coffees.
7.Consume creatine which is a supplement that builds muscle.
8.Sleep well, and sleep enough.

Putting on Weight Might Be Hard, But Consistency is Key

Putting on weight can be very hard for some, since the body has a particular
weight where it’s comfortable at. If you stray from this comfort weight, the body
will try to resist it by changing your metabolism and hunger levels.

The brain sends out hormones that helps regulate your weight.

Expect that putting on weight won’t be cakewalk. There will be times that you may have to force yourself to chow down more than you think you can.

You just have to realize that weight change is a long-distance race, not a sprint.
Consistency is needed for success.

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