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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Foods to Avoid When Pregnant

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Pregnancy is a crucial time for women. This is where a lot of our chemical balance, physical and mental health change. This is the period of our life where we should watch what we
eat the most. Not only are we feeding ourselves for energy, we are also feeding the baby the nutrients it requires. Any mishap can affect your baby in the womb.

The baby completely depends on the mother’s supply of nutrients. The quality of these said nutrients can harm or help the embryo. This is mostly determined by the mothers
eating habits and nutrient consumption.

It’s a difficult thing to take in that most women through their first or second child still don’t have the proper education on nutrition and pregnancy. A lot of women are not aware of the things they can and can’t do during pregnancy. One of the frequently asked questions from mothers in pregnancy and nutrition is What can’t you eat during pregnancy?this is an important question that people need to learn; pregnant or not.
Below are some of the tip foods to avoid during pregnancy and why it can be harmful for the expecting mother.

Dietary Supplements

Never take anything that your doctor or dietitian approved of, especially dietary supplements. You might have read somewhere that adding more this and that to your diet can be beneficial to you and your baby. Thinking you can gain these nutrients through dietary supplements is not a good idea. Most dietary supplements are not advised during pregnancy, and the risk is not really worth the nutrients or vitamins that you can get from your food. Most dietary supplements contain large amount of abortifacient compounds that can cause contractions. These contractions in the uterus walls can lead to
miscarriage. This abortifacients are present in drugs such as the morning after pill. Though, the study regarding these compounds has been strictly used on animals and anecdotes. Though, not all supplements are harmful. Yet risk is still something to consider before taking any dietary supplements. If you do plan to take one, make sure to ask your physician.

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Fish That Are High In Mercury

Fish that are high in mercury, such as tuna and shark is ill advised during pregnancy. Large dosages of mercury in the blood can cause pregnancy complication and affect the baby’s growth; predominantly hinders the brain development of the baby. There are no official studies that prove the negative effects of high mercury in the blood during pregnancy, but there is a lot of proof regarding the relation of high mercury levels and brain development in children. Study shown that increased levels of mercury lowers
the IQ level. Even the benefits of a rich in omega 3 diet, cannot prevent the effect of mercury in the body. It’s recommended for pregnant to consume little to no high mercury fish. Fishes that are low in mercury are salmons, herrings and mackerel.

Caffeine and Alcohol

Alcohol and caffeine are an obvious no-no during pregnancy. Caffeine and alcohol are high in teratogenic, a compound that can affect the development of the fetus. Not all teratogens can affect your unborn child, but the potential for serious harm and birth defects is enough to encourage you to avoid these two substances.

Limit Dairy Intake

Milk is a great source of mineral, nutrient and protein that is essential to the body, but according to recent studies; dairy particularly milk is unhealthy for your unborn child. Cow’s milk contains a signaling protein that can affect the development of your child. High consumption of dairy during pregnancy can cause macrosomia, or the baby’s weigh exceeding the healthy birth weight. This can cause complications for the baby and the mother during birth.

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There are a lot of foods necessary to have a healthy and nutritious pregnancy. Though, eating a lot of healthy foods can still affect your pregnancy. There is a necessary
amount of weight gain that is safe during pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about the required BMI for your height and weight during pregnancy to avoid complication. Understanding your food choices, portions, what to avoid and what
you need will benefit your child in the long run.

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