Women love to experiment with regards to the makeup and cosmetic products they will be using. I’m sure you’re one of them. Not only that but you all love to get your money’s worth or if possible to spend less on those makeup products. Or if possible to learn some simple tips and tricks to make use of your existing makeup products for other purposes.
Beauty blogger and YouTuber Deepica Mutyala has shared this video on how to make use of red lipstick to mask under eye dark circle. You heard right! Using a red lipstick which I’m sure you already have in your makeup kits.
Yes there are existing products in the market to help you cover-up blemishes and for color-correction, but they are expensive.
In Mutyala’s video she demonstrates a step-by-step procedure to follow on you own. She used a bright orange-red lipstick to match her skin tone. She applied the lipstick under and around her eyes using a shader brush and then blend it around the area. Then she goes on with her makeup routine.