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Sunday, March 30, 2025

Dog Allergy: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

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For some individuals, it’s not just loyalty, companionship and unconditional love that they can get from dogs, but also all sorts of nasty signs and symptoms. Obviously, these people are allergic to dogs. If you tend to experience unfavorable reactions after playing with a dog or being in a room where a canine has been in, you may have dog allergy.

Especially if you find dogs adorable, it can be very frustrating to know that you are allergic to man’s best friend. To date, there is no known cure for dog allergy, although the signs and symptoms associated with it can be managed. But still knowing that you have to stay away from or limit your contact with those furry pals can be frustrating.


According to medical experts, dogs give off multiple types of allergens, which are substances that trigger various allergic reactions. Dog dander (flakes of dead skin) is one of those. If you develop skin problems after being licked by a dog, that’s because its saliva is an allergen, too. Coming into contact with a dog’s urine is a no-no as well.

Because dogs are naturally playful and curious creatures, it’s not unlikely for a canine’s coat to collect pollen and dust, both of which are well-known allergens. They may be the ones causing your various allergic reactions and not necessarily the dog, which only means that you do not suffer from dog allergy.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms experienced by those with dog allergy tend to range from mild to severe. It all depends on the person’s sensitivity to allergens that dogs produce. Also, the level of exposure to allergens is a factor. Within minutes, individuals who are highly reactive to dog allergens may develop signs and symptoms such as:

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Skin rash

People with dog allergy end up with skin rash after coming into contact with the fur or dander of dogs. It’s also possible for it to happen after being licked by a dog.

Nasal issues

In some instances, the nose becomes congested, which can cause facial pain. Some people experience runny nose, something that can leave them sneezing a lot.

Eye irritation

Someone who has dog allergy can experience eyes that are red, itchy and watery after coming into contact with allergens a dog produces.

Asthma-like symptoms

 It’s very much possible for a person who is allergic to dogs to have wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. If severe, medical care should be sought immediately.


Just like what’s mentioned earlier in this article, there is no treatment for dog allergy that’s in existence. This only means that someone who loves dogs but develops allergic reactions upon coming into contact with them or the allergens they give off has no choice but to put up with his or her condition.

However, there are treatments available for the various signs and symptoms of dog allergy, and they are the usually the ones for many other types of allergies. They include antihistamines, decongestants and nasal steroids. Then there are also allergy shots available for those who suffer from dog allergy.


Quite obviously, limiting contact with canines or completely avoiding them is the best way to keep at bay the various signs and symptoms of dog allergy. You should also limit visiting houses where dogs are taken care of indoors. Be wary of coming into contact with dog owners because allergens produced by dogs can stick to their clothes.

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If you happen to own a dog, do your best to keep your furry pal out of your bedroom. Do drastic changes that can make it so much easier for you to clean your entire home so that you may be able to easily get rid of your beloved pet’s dander. If possible, consider keeping your dog outside.

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