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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Most Common STDs and How to Deal with Them

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If you are planning to spend a night with your partner, the last thing you want to think about is STDs. If you are someone who has been in a long time monogamous relationship, it may be far from your mind. But the possibility of infection and disease goes beyond intercourse. Men, women and other genders can get them. You may not be aware of it, but there is a huge possibility that you’ve had or have an STD. One of the most important things you can do to protect your sexual health is to have knowledge. The basic understanding of different STDs and its symptoms can save you and your partner. To give you the basics to understanding STDs — We’ve compiled the most common ones, its symptoms and how to deal with them. Scroll down to find out more.


Gonorrhea is an STD caused by bacteria. Most people get gonorrhea when they acquire chlamydia. The symptoms of these can be similar or close to chlamydia. Unusual discharge from the genital area, difficulty urinating and a burning sensation when you pee. Most men will experience symptoms when they acquire gonorrhea. Women seldom experience any symptoms. Getting regular check, especially when sleeping with multiple partner is vital for your health. You can easily treat gonorrhea with antibiotics. If you get a positive test for this, make sure that your partner also gets tested.


Chlamydia is one of the most reported STD in States. It is easily spread through anal and vaginal sex, but there are cases where they acquired it through oral sex. There can be a few symptoms of Chlamydia such as pain when urinating and discharge from the penis or vagina. However, only one fourth of the women experience any symptom and half of men. So, it is highly important to get regular STD checks. Chlamydia is caused by bacteria and can be easily treated with medication. Once you are treated, get retested every three months. It is also vital to make sure your partner is tested and treated.

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Human Papillomavirus

Also known as HPV, is one of the most common sexually transmitted infection. There are over 40 types of HPVs that are spread sexually. You can get them through oral, anal and vaginal sex. Some HPVs can be acquired through skin to skin contact. Most HPVs have no symptoms and do not pose threat to our health. Your body is able to get rid of it on its own. However, some of types of HPVs cause genital warts. Others can cause an infection of the throat and mouth. Others can cause more damage and can lead to cancer in the throat, mouth, penis, and cervix. You can protect yourself with vaccines. There are also vaccines that can help protect you from rectal cancer, vaginal cancer and genital warts. It is suggested to get these vaccines at the age of 11 to 16.


Syphilis is a difficult STD to handle. It comes in four stages. The primary stage main symptom is a sore on small areas. These sore can appear like a harmless bump, ingrown hair, a cut and blemish. The second stage will be a rash on your body and will be followed by sores in the genital area, buttocks or lips. Symptoms will usually go away during the third or last stages. The last two stages can last for a few years. It is important to get it treated. About 15% of people that do not get treatment for their syphilis will go through the final stage. This stage can lead to brain problems, nerve damage and organ disorders.

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One of the main symptoms of herpes is painful blisters around the anus, vagina and penis. There are some people that acquire blister inside the anal cavity and vagina, where it can be invisible to the naked eye. Though, not everyone who gets herpes will get blisters. Herpes are really easy to catch. Skin to skin contact can infect you. Herpes are caused by a virus and cannot be cured. It can be managed with medication.

Most of these disease won’t be noticeable at first. STDs such as chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhea and other STDs are a lot harder to identify with symptoms alone. It is best for you and your partner to get tested. If you are in non-monogamous relationship, try to get tested more often. Most of these common STDs can be treated with medication and most of them can be completely cured. It will be a lot easier to cure them when you have newly acquired the disease. If you have noticed some of these symptoms in you or your partner avoid any type of intercourse before testing and only pursue if you get the go signal from your doctor.

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