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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Common Practices that can be Harmful to your Heart

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People want their cardiovascular system to be in tiptop shape for the long run. But over thirty percent of grown-ups in the US are affected by heart ailments.

But there are some practices that can be advantageous your heart, provide you with some significant health benefits and add years to your life.

However, right now, we will be discussing seventeen harmful practices that you should stay away from to protect your cardiovascular system.

1.As you sit on your buttocks and remain stagnant hour after hour, just watching television, your chances of heart attacks or strokes could increase. The bad part about this is, not even regular physical training can be of much help. You have to keep moving even when you’re not exercising because staying stagnant can alter the level of fat and sugar in your blood. It is recommended that one walk around for short amounts of time, or at the very least, stand up for a few minutes.

2.If you don’t do something about your depression or stress levels, it can have a negative effect on you cardiovascular system. Although everybody experiences sadness or other negative feelings at some point, it’s the way these feelings are handled that makes the difference. Studies have revealed that keeping depression and stress bottled up inside you can be dangerous, while laughing and feeling better in the company of friends is beneficial. It’s always good for your health to be able to voice out your worries to willing listeners.

3.When you ignore your snoring, it can be dangerous. Obstructive sleep apnea is dangerous. This happens when breathing stops in mid-sleep. This causes one’s blood pressure to go way up. Over eighteen million adults in the US have sleep apnea. If you weigh more than you should, you have a higher chance of experiencing sleep apnea. That being said, people who are lean can experience it as well. It is suggested that if you are a snorer and find yourself experiencing sluggishness after waking up, you should consult your physician.

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4.Experts believe that there is a significant connection between disease of the gums and the heart. So if you don’t floss, dirt that accumulates in your mouth could cause gum disease, which in turn to cause parts in your body to be inflamed, such as blood vessels.

5.Closing yourself off from people can also be bad for your heart. It’s true that sometimes you just want to hole up and stay away from others, especially those that annoy or irritate you. But try spending more time with people you’re fond of. It can only make things a lot better for the way you feel.

6.Overdoing exercise is a pitfall of middle-aged people. The problem with overtraining is that it can lead to injuries or it can harm the body in other ways. Once a person stops working out abruptly, his or her blood pressure spikes. It is recommended that people have a steadier, more regular training schedule.

7.Downing too many alcoholic shots is obviously bad for your heart, although research has suggested that in moderate amounts, it can actually be good for you. Too much alcohol can elevate your blood pressure and the amount of fat in your blood. Alcohol in itself also puts a lot of pressure on your heart. The high calorie content can add to your weight which also adds more stress to your cardiovascular system. It is recommended that adult males drink only about two twelve-ounces of beer or a four-ounce glass of wine, while adult females should only consume half of that.

8.Seventy-two percent of men and sixty-four percent of women in the US are over their weight limit. This is the main reason for the high occurrence of heart disease in the US. The cause is easy to identify —eating too much. Change your meal plan. Eat less carbs. Drink water instead of beverages with a lot of sugar.

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9.When you think you’re safe from cardiovascular diseases, there is a tendency to do things that are bad for you. Always be aware of your body. Always stay safe.

10.Red meat should be eaten sparingly or occasionally. It shouldn’t be part of your regular meals since it has a high fat content and has gone through processing, which is never a healthy thing. Processed food often leads to cardiovascular diseases and cancer. It is recommended that less than ten percent of what you eat come from animals. If this is too difficult for you, try at the very least to control the amount of red meat you consume.

11. Not getting regular medical check-ups can increase the risk of heart diseases. You should know the state of your body. How else can you know the levels of cholesterol and sugar in your blood? Or even blood pressure? How will you know if you don’t have yourself checked? Ninety percent of people in their mid-fifties have hypertension or high blood pressure. Don’t forget that.

12.Smoking does a lot of damage to your cardiovascular system. It causes the blood to clot, blocking the flow of blood to and from your heart. It also contributes in plaque blocking the blood vessels. It’s also been documented that over forty thousand people who live with smokers are victims of fatal heart diseases every year.

13.Forgetting to take your medicine can have disastrous consequences. Take it even if you’re feeling fine and dandy. High blood pressure can creep up on you when you least expect it.

14.Staying away from the fruit and vegetable part of your diet can likewise be bad for you. Eating them religiously though can have great advantages. What you should stay away from is junk food. Have your daily fix of fruits and veggies as well as nuts and whole grains. Dairy with lowered fat content and protein are also good to keep in your diet. Studies showed that those who ate fruits and vegetables more than five times a day had twenty
percent less chances of getting heart disease or stroke compare to those who ate fruits and veggies less than thrice a day.

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15. Do not ignore the symptoms. If climbing a couple of flights of stairs was a piece of cake a week before, and you find yourself huffing and puffing today or if you feel your chest clamping down, you should go to your physician as soon as you can. Stop telling yourself you just need to get in shape. If you can find what’s wrong quicker, then the safer you’ll be. Always stay of the safe side.

16. Eating food with a lot of salt can cause your BP to spike. Over thirty percent of adults in the US have high BP which can lead to stroke, damaged kidneys or a cardiac arrest. Avoid junk food. Be aware of how much sodium the product contains. The magic number is 2,300. That’s the limit for the amount of salt in milligrams we should consume a day. But for those with high BPs or those over fifty, the limit is 1,500.

17. Stop consuming food with high content of sugars, fats and oils. They give off a lot of calories but rarely do they have any nutritional value. These kinds of food cause people to become grossly overweight. These kinds of food also cause diabetes. Fruits, veggies, and other food with a lot of nutrients should be on top of your priority list when you visit the grocery.

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