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United States of America
Saturday, March 29, 2025



Easy Steps On How to Use Egg for Hair Growth

Using egg for conditioning your hair enhances hair growth because of the protein present in eggs. Hair is composed of 70 percent keratin protein. The...

Style Your Hair for Your Age

There is a belief that women should cut their hair short once they reach thirty. This doesn’t completely apply to our generation. The idea...

How Your Hair Color Can Slim Your Face

Do you ever wonder why sometimes people think you're thin and sometimes fat? Not because your weight changes but because you change the color...

10 Effective Tips to Save Your Thinning Hair

Do you want to get back your thicker, fuller locks? You're probably convinced that the shedding and thinning of your hair is never going...

10 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff

Tired of using those dandruff shampoos? Then you should skip the dandruff shampoo and try these homemade dandruff treatments to banish those irritating white...

20 Best Hair Care Tips You Should Know

Your hair is an extension of who you are. It identifies you in a way, from its style, cut and color. So you must...

Beauty Tips and Tricks with Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum Jelly is one of those household staples that you can find in most homes. Petroleum jelly is a versatile product that you can...

Make Your Hair Grow Faster With These 7 Tips

Making your hair grow faster can be quite a complicated process. But following these tips will help you achieve just that. And what more you...

Hair Masks That You Can Do on Your Own

You can create your own hair mask right at the comfort of your home. Yes you can bought it in beauty shops but there's...

Foods That Keep Your Hair Healthy

Our hair is our crowning glory, gorgeous hair can make or break an outfit. Healthy and beautiful hair needs little maintenance and simply combing...

How to Revamp Thin, Limp and Lifeless Hair

There is no quick fix when it comes to having thick and healthy hair. Your diet and genetics play a huge factor into your...

Can a Mask Out of Egg Yolk, Banana, Beer and Honey Promote Hair Growth? (Plus Other Home Remedies)

If you're on the hunt for all-natural ways to stimulate hair growth on the internet, chances are you have already come across a simple...

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