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United States of America
Tuesday, April 1, 2025



Best Super Foods You Should Eat for Weight Loss

You should eat more to weigh less? This is the new slim-down motto! The right foods, help you lose up to two pounds a...

20 Foods to Eat for a Healthy Pregnancy Diet

Are you having a hard time eating foods because you're pregnant? It's really difficult to choose the right pregnancy diet because you're also fighting...

How To Lose 10 Pounds By Following This Diet

Are you having a hard time losing 10 pounds or losing weight for that matter? Worry no more, because a new diet just maybe...

Slim Down With These Fruit Smoothies

Mix and blend one of these delicious and diet-friendly smoothies to help you slim down and to help flatten your belly. 1. Blueberry Smoothie Servings: 2 Ingredients: 2...

Healthy Smoothies to Boost Energy

Morning can be a real doozy, especially for fellow non morning persons. The first thing to do in the morning is a much needed...

7 Foods to Eat for A Healthy, Glowing Skin

You are what you eat. This adage is particularly true when it comes to your skin. This is because the secret to a glowing,...

10 Cancer Causing Foods You Should Avoid

Most of the foods you eat everyday may potentially increase your cancer risk. Are you familiar with those foods? Below are 10 of the most...

Should You Welcome Balut Into Your Diet

Put simply, balut is fertilized duck egg that is hard-boiled. Although it is known to come from the Philippines, the truth is it can...

7 Most Filling Foods You Should Try For Weight Loss

What makes some food extra satisfying and filling? Protein and fiber can help a lot. But foods that allow you to eat more, without...

Prevent Cancer With These Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices are staple part of every dishes or meals. But did you know that aside from adding taste and flavor to your...

7 Natural Ways to Sweeten Without Sugar

There’s no escaping it, sugar persists in almost every kind of food there is nowadays. From the spoonfuls of sugar that you put in...

Look Younger by Adding These 7 Foods Into Your Diet

Apparently the key to younger and glowing skin lies in your stomach. Its not just in the skin care products you're using but in...

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