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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Best Topical Remedies for Skin Problems

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Skin problems affect all of us at one point in time. From the time we were young all the way to adulthood, we have been battling some form of skin issue that we just want to get rid of as soon as possible and in the safest manner possible too. Yes, there are topical ointments and creams that we can use, but more often than not, these skin treatments can actually worsen one’s condition or do not help at all.

Fortunately, there are other alternatives to consider that are actually effective and safe to use too such as these topical remedies listed below.


Too much exposure to the sun can actually burn your skin which can be quite uncomfortable when the skin becomes raw to the touch. Skip the creams and ointments and just look for aloe vera, yogurt, or even witch hazel to treat the affected areas. The gel found in the leaves of the aloe vera is actually soothing to the skin when applied directly on the sunburn and it can also speed up the process of healing too. The same thing goes true with witch hazel and yogurt as these two can expedite the healing process while alleviating the discomfort that you may be feeling.

Bruises and swelling

If you got into and accident that caused swelling and bruises to appear, create a topical preparation with arnica flower. This particular remedy is efficient in relieving pain and can reduce swelling because of its anti-inflammatory properties. You can apply it topically to cuts, skin abrasions, and even insect bites that are itchy.

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Cradle cap

Some babies have cradle cap while they are a few months old which can be bothersome for them because it makes their scalp itchy and dry. Instead of using medications to get rid of cradle cap, turn to healthier and safer alternatives such as aloe vera, coconut oil, and calendula. Aloe vera’s soothing and healing properties can actually moisturize the scalp while nourishing the skin. Coconut oil can seal the moisture in the scalp to prevent dryness and flaking.


Hives can be bothersome to deal with but if those over-the-counter medications are not working for you, then chamomile is a useful alternative to consider. The dried flowers and leaves of chamomile have been used in making tea to treat stomach upsets, lesions in the mouth, and even gingivitis. Apply them topically on itchy lesions, sunburn, and hives, and you will see a significant improvement on the condition of your skin.


Acne is one of the most skin problems that affect all of us. Spot-on treatments, creams, and serums can only go so far so why not treat your skin with tea tree oil? This remedy contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that not only remove any blockage from the pores but it can also reduce the swelling caused by inflammation on the skin. You can also use Manuka honey to treat your acne problem so you might want to include this in your list of topical remedies.


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