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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Best Ingredients to Use for Natural Skin Care Routine

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Taking care of our skin should be part of our daily routine but you need to keep in mind that those skin care products that we love to lather on our skin contain ingredients that are toxic to us the longer we use them. Just imagine how much preservatives, artificial colors, and even fragrances are included in the lotions, serums, and whatnot that we use on our skin. Fortunately, you don’t have to give up on your skin care routine at all because there are plenty of natural skin care products that are actually good for your skin.

Here are some that you should take note of.

Sea salt and oil. If you want to exfoliate your skin, skip the commercially produced scrubs. A much better option would be to mix equal parts of sea salt and your choice of oil, such as almond or olive, and apply on your skin. Massage gently to let the sea salt do its job of removing dead skin then wash afterwards. What’s great about your DIY scrub is that it is gentle on your skin and can even improve blood flow so that your skin will get a more natural glow.

Coconut oil. Another natural ingredient that is just great for your skin is coconut oil. This ingredient is quite versatile as it can be used in cooking and to caring for your skin. There are many benefits to be gained when you use coconut oil on your skin such as removing any dead skin cells, moisturizing your skin, boosting your epidermal tissue, and even providing you with protection against sunburn when you spend your days outdoors. You can apply it directly on  your skin and hair if you like or mix it with other ingredients to get the best results.

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Castor and olive oil. Cleansing your skin from any impurities before you go to bed should be a habit. Leaving any makeup residue on your skin can actually clog your pores not to mention affect the quality of your skin the next day. If you don’t want to use any cleansing products, you can make your by mixing ¾ of olive or almond oil and ¼ castor oil. Mix thoroughl then use a cotton ball or pad soaked in this mixture to wipe away your makeup. You will see that it does remove the makeup completely while nourishing your skin.

Raw honey. Don’t forget to take advantage of the numerous benefits that you can get from raw honey. Among the benefits linked to this natural ingredient are moisturize your skin, promotes healing for wounds, minimize acne breakouts, reduce scars, and fight off any allergic reaction that you are experiencing. Get half a teaspoon of raw honey, warm it up, then apply on your skin. Leave it on for 10 minutes then rinse afterwards with warm water. Pat your skin dry. You can also use it as an exfoliator especially during the dry winter months. Simply add two cups of honey to your bath water then soak in it for 15 minutes. Add a cup of baking soda into the bath and stay in it for another 15 minutes. Rinse afterwards.

Argan oil. The argan oil is fast becoming a favorite in many beauty circles as it is known for its amazing ability to heal because of the antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin E, linoleic acid, as well as omega-6 fatty acids that are present in this oil. Aside from moisturizing your skin, Argan oil can also benefit your hair.

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