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Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Beauty Uses for Garlic Oil (#3 Will Make You to Take Lots of Selfies)

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Do you have a bottle of garlic oil softgels in your medicine cabinet? Then you have one of the cheapest and most effective solutions for all sorts of beauty problems. The incredible antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of garlic oil can be utilized for dealing with anything from acne to dandruff.

Continue reading to know some of the most impressive beauty uses for garlic oil!

For Zapping Skin Fungal Infections

Having ringworm, athlete’s foot and jock itch can make you look and feel terrible. It can be embarrassing to purchase an anti-fungal cream or gel at the local pharmacy most especially if the clerk is your neighbor!

Luckily, a fungal infection of the skin is something that you can easily treat with garlic oil, which has antifungal properties. Up to 3 times a day, you simply have to smear a little garlic oil on problem areas. There is no need to wash

For Treating Pimples and Acne

Daubing garlic oil on pimples allows you to be blemish-free in no time. That’s because garlic oil is capable of putting bacterial action and inflammation under control, thus keeping your pimples from worsening or spreading to other parts of your face — yes, pimples can actually do that, according to skin experts.

You may also count on garlic oil if you are suffering from acne. It works effectively in managing acne because of its antioxidant properties. Of course it’s also very good at controlling skin inflammation.

If you are prone to pimples and acne, you may mix the content of a garlic oil softgel to your favorite mudpack. The addition of garlic oil can help keep the pores from being clogged up and becoming infected. This tip is also perfect if you have oily skin — garlic oil is said to have the ability to regulate the activity of your sebaceous glands.

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For Healing Insect Bites

Garlic oil is also a wonderful remedy for pesky insect bites. Applying it on trouble spots allows you to attain immediate relief from the stinging sensation, plus it also prevents an infection from striking.

You may also come up with your very own homemade insect repellant with the use of garlic oil. All you have to do is add a few drops of it to your favorite hand and body lotion, and apply all over. However, it’s a good idea to perform a skin patch test beforehand to make sure you won’t end up with irritated skin.

For Managing Cold and Canker Sores

Cold sores and canker sores are entirely different things — cold sores are viral in nature and are highly contagious, while canker sores are not infections and could be caused by a variety of things, from trauma to the soft tissues of the mouth, consumption of acidic or spicy foods, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalance to stress.

But whether what you have are cold sores or canker sores, you can rely on garlic oil to attain much-needed relief. Using a cotton swab, apply a little garlic oil on the sores.

However, garlic oil may cause a burning sensation when applied on cold sores. Still it’s a good idea to consult a doctor before attempting to use garlic oil as a home remedy for cold sores.

For Controlling Dandruff

Before you attempt to purchase one of those pricey shampoos for dandruff, consider giving garlic oil a try first. All you have to do is massage some of it directly on your scalp about half an hour before you shampoo your hair.

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Doing this, by the way, is also a wonderful idea if you want to thicken your mane. That’s because garlic oil is capable of stimulating circulation to the scalp, allowing the hair follicles to obtain all the nutrients and oxygen they need. Perform this tip daily if you want your hair to grow longer and thicker faster.

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