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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Beauty Tips for People Turning 20

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Being in your 20s is the best time to feel your freedom and experience new things. It’s the time where you can begin your career, meet new people, experience new surroundings, fall in and out of love and so much more. This is the time where most of us feel invincible. Though, even being in this age doesn’t guarantee that anything you will or did won’t show on your body. Especially habits that cause aging. Yes, even at this age we have to think about our health, skin and hair. Developing good habits during this time can help prevent premature aging, reduce chances of skin cancer, keep you looking youthful and help maintain glowing skin. So, for anyone turning 20 or have turned 20. We’ve compiled essential beauty tips to help improve your beauty routine.

Keep Your Hair Healthy

We tend to experiment on our hair during our 20s. We try different haircuts, hair colors and hairstyles. This is all great, but if you over do it. You are making yourself prone to hair loss, patches and even increase in white hair. We are not telling you to stop experimenting, but watch out for your hair’s health. Too much hair fall or dryness is a huge sign that your hair needs a break. It is advisable to take a few months before coloring hair again. Regular trims can help reduce split ends. Reduce the use of heating tools without any heat protections (even with protection – avoid using every day). When staying out under the sun, wear a hat or heat protection on your hair to prevent hair and scalp damage.

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Start Your Antiaging Routine

No, it’s not too early to start using anti aging products. Since you were born, you already started aging. Though, your 20s is the age that you should start a firm anti aging routine. This is the time where you are more prone to stress. You can prevent premature aging and stop aging for years to come by simply adding anti aging products to your routine. Products that can help reduce crow’s feet, wrinkles and tightening can help improve your skin over time. Using products that contain collagen can help prevent skin from sagging and dullness.

Pay Attention to Your Hands and Feet

There is a huge chance that you have seen or met someone that looks a lot younger for their age – until you notice their hands or feet. The amount of time you spend on your face should be the same for your neck, hands and feet. These areas have thin skin, making it more prone to wrinkles and aging. You can acquire old looking hands, feet and neck from sun exposure. Reapply in this area as much as you would with your face.

Prevent Sun Damage

You have to prevent sun damage your whole life. Even when you were a little kid in the playground. Sun damage can affect us at any age and can show up way in the future as uneven patches, dry skin, wrinkles, dull complexion and so on. One of the most important things you have to maintain during this age is sun protection. From the top of your head to your toes. Sun damage will cause you to loose pigments on your skin, causing sagging and uneven patches. Wear sunscreen every day and use protective wear when staying under the sun for long periods of time. Even when it comes to your makeup, pick ones that contain sunscreen to reduce chances of wrinkles.

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Crossing Your Legs and Antioxidants

You probably haven’t thought about it, but every time you cross your legs – the more prone you are to varicose veins. Varicose veins can be unpleasant to look at and even painful. It will be incredibly difficult to get rid of in the future, so preventing it now is vital. Antioxidant is one of the supplements that you will be needing through your whole life. Especially in your twenties. You may apply all sorts of creams and lotions on your skin, but true glowing skin comes from within. Antioxidants do just that. It helps expel toxins in the body and reduce stress hormones. You can get antioxidants from food such as strawberries, blueberries and vegetables.

We tend to have a laid back attitude toward skin and hair care during these ages in our life. In a few years’ time, we realize the effects of our laid back attitude on our body. We instantly regret how much we took for granted. It never really is too early to start taking care of ourselves. When we were a lot younger, we started bad habits to make us look older that can affect you your whole life. Wearing makeup way too early, not sleeping enough, tanning under the sun too long and so on. It’s not too late to replace negative habits with positive ones. We hope that these simple beauty tips for soon to be 20s or 20 something help improve your beauty routine in the long run and give you that youthful glow for a long time. Besides these tips, make sure to get regular checkups. This is the age where most illnesses show symptoms or where the health risk appears, knowing this early on will help with prevention.

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