5.3 C
United States of America
Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Autumn Humphries


Proven Nail Care Tips

Nails! We all have them and we all need them. We use our nails to open cans, scratch surface and peel fruits. The nails...

How to Get Lovely Smooth Hands

Our hands are often exposed to chemicals, harsh temperatures and bacteria. This can cause the skin in the hands to go dry, have calluses...

Get Back to Working out After a Long Break

So, you got injured, got sick, got too busy at work or went on vacation. Now, you’ve got to a point where you’ve skipped...

Natural Constipation Remedies

Constipation is one of the most difficult problem to have. You can’t really get off of work or school from constipation, but it can...

Beauty Tips for Pale Skin

The tanned and bronze skin has dominated the fashion industry and pop culture. Tan and bronze skin is deemed ideal by most men and...

Cease Out Your Skin from Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin disorder characterized by thick, red patches of skin covered by white or silvery scales. It usually appears between the ages...

How to Fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Fatigue is an overwhelming sense of tiredness that makes your body feel weak. What most people refer to as fatigue is brought on by...

6 Practical Tips to Prevent Body Odor

We all have our own distinctive body smell. It only becomes a problem when a person's body odor is offensive or strong that it...

How to Protect Your Skin from UV Rays (Sunburn)

Summer is really fast approaching. Go out with you skin protected from UV rays. Sunburn results from overexposure to UV (ultraviolet) radiation from the...

Superfoods to Eat for a Healthy Body

We all need a variety of foods for a balanced diet. But experts say careful selection is crucial. We would not only survive but thrive...

What to Do with Muscle Cramps

Cramps occur when muscle suddenly contracts painfully. They usually affect the limbs, as when a swimmer immerses in cold water (swimmer's cramps), but it...

How to Cure Corns and Calluses

Calluses are area of rough, thickened skin that develop because of constant or repeated pressure or friction. Often found on the hands and feet....

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