14.3 C
United States of America
Monday, November 25, 2024




Why You’re Getting Blackheads

One of our biggest bad habits, more likely when looking in front of our mirror is looking for any imperfection. When there is no...

What’s Your Eye Color Says About Your Health

One of the most attractive things is someone’s eyes. It is considered one of the first physical feature that people look at when meeting...

Natural Remedies for Double Chin

We’ve all had that unflattering photo that was taken at the wrong angle that shows our double chin. Some people don’t even have visible,...

Is Your Menstruation Normal?

Your menstruation is not only there to tell you if you're pregnant or not. It can be a great indication of health issues. It’s important...

Eyeshadow Tricks for Beginners

One of the first things we experiment on when we start liking makeup is eye shadow. It’s colorful, comes in different shades and texture...

Exercise to Address Obesity

A big misconception that people think about obese people is that they are just lazy. That simply putting the fork down and exercising will...

Day Time Makeup Blunders

Amongst all the types of makeup look one of the hardest to pull off is that perfect daytime look. Prim and proper enough to...

Controlling Your Menstrual Cycle

Most women experience different symptoms before and after their menstruation cycle. Some experience bloating, cravings, cramps and so on. However, studies have proven that...

Common Bra Mistakes

People tend to have a special relationship with their boob. May you be a girl or a guy. An A cup or a DDD...

Common Blow Drying Mistakes

Do you know that feeling you get after you leave a hair salon with perfectly blown out hair? The feeling that you want to...

Which is Best for your Health- The Battle between White Sugar and Brown Sugar

The two most common types of sugar are white sugar and brown sugar. There is a common misconception that brown sugar is a healthier...

Appliances that can cook healthy food better

Working out is just a portion in the quest for weight loss. Another part is incorporating a good diet into your overall plan. If...

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